One woman's search for everything across Italy, India, and Indonesia.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Four Brothers, Wayan, and Tutti

I think that the whole idea of being surrounded by four invisible "brothers" your entire life is interesting. It's a strange idea to think that they arise from the extra birthing material, but the idea that someone has "four brothers with her in the world wherever she goes, and that they will always look after her" (251), is reassuring to me. Ever since reading it, I've wondered if that feeling you get, as if someone is following, isn't really a creepy thing. Maybe its just your four virtues in spirit form surrounding and protecting you.
Wayan and Tutti are definitely up there with Ketut on my list of favorite people in this memoir. I love how bold Wayan is. The society in Bali is so strict, and women are oppressed, but Wayan has taken control over her life. She divorced her husband, she runs her own business, and she's...not afraid to speak her mind. My favorite thing about Wayan is that no matter how much she suffers, she still tries to help people. She adopted Little Ketut and Big Ketut, the two orphans, even though she has no money. As Liz writes, "How a Balinese single mother facing evictoin found it in her heart to take in two extra homeless children is something that reaches far beyond any understanding I've ever had about the meaning of compassion"( 272).
But the best part in this section of the book, maybe in the entire memoir, was the description of Tutti and her small, blue tile. I can picture her crouched on the floor with her eyes scrunched, trying to imagine a life for herself. It was such a powerful image for me. I loved how she was described as "willing that little blue tile of hers to soften and expand around her and to grow--like one of Jack's magic beans--into an actual home
(274). I also loved how Tutti's name means "Everybody." Out of all the characters in the book, Tutti is my favorite, because she has such a powerful impact on people, despite being a child.


  1. Also, what book are we reading next, because we only have 30 pages left and we should decide soon.

  2. I love what Tutti brings to the novel. Just in the Italian meaning ‘everybody’ it sums up how much she can help the other characters. Tutti brings ‘everybody’ together in the book which makes her great. It was her story that allowed Liz to reconnect with her American friends, so they can give Wayan the money to buy her own house. Though I don’t think this is as selfless as it seems, because I don’t think all the people who gave money to Liz were actually going to give Liz a birthday present. She is halfway across the world so there would be no need to ship a package with a piece of clothing or gift card that far just for her birthday. But don’t get me wrong, I think its great what she did. Also, Tutti brought, from what I think, Liz’s most important friend since the tripped started, Wayan, together with the Brazilian guy whose name slips my mind right now. I think Wayan has done wonders for Liz in allowing her to fully heal and getting her back to her old self. The Brazilian guy has completed this step. Now that she is in a sexual relationship with the Brazilian she seems to have fully forgotten about her troubles back home. She seems to have forgotten David and her ex-husband, but with her, they could be back in the next chapter.
    Was anyone else freaked out about the way she described her sex scenes? I think she was a little too full of herself, what’s knew, and tried to display to the reader how beautiful she was. She seems to be describing herself naked, a lot, which has me worried.
    Also her constant use of dude and your mom on her “American road trip” is just annoying. She is way too immature for her age.

  3. I'm up to any book too, just let me know and I'll get read it.

  4. I also really enjoy the descriptions of Tutti, especially after she described the children that came to see the medicine man, and how even the 'bad behaved' ones didn't complain for four hours. I just thought to myself how incredibly boring that is, so when Tutti was introduced as a bubbly and intelligent character, I really loved her.
    I was also a little confused about the four brothers thing, but does it apply to boys as well? Because she only says "she" and never a he being followed by the brothers.
    And Billy, I agree with her being way too full of herself. When she talks about the other characters calling her beautiful and sexy, I find myself wondering if she's making at least some of it up. And she questions it, trying to make it seem like she doesn't believe she is, but she really is, and that bothers me.

  5. So book ideas? I know Audrey mentioned wanting to read The Lost Continent and earlier I thought of reading Water for Elephants. Does either sound interesting?

    Billy, I agree with the whole she needs to stop talking about herself naked so much. She's definitely full of herself. I am happy that she has found a healthy relationship though. I wonder if it will actually last or if it's just a fling. And Kim, I think it applies to guys too.

  6. I am also curious about where her relationship with the Brazilian will go. Although in her current circumstances the relationship is seen as healthy, I can imagine her resorting back to her clingy ways once they’re apart. I think that while this relationship is very beneficial to her and her current state of being, she is being unrealistic and underestimating the trouble it may cause once she’s back home.

    And I agree- stop reiterating how beautiful and sexy everyone thinks you are. She reminds me of those insecure teenage girls who are constantly saying they look fat or ugly so desperate guys will go on and on about how wrong they are. I know she’s in need of a confidence boost but OK LIZ, we get it. >:/ I know I’ve made it outstandingly clear that I have no interest in this book but I truly am excited for the movie. I trust that the producer or screenwriter or whatever omitted a lot of her personal commentary, particularly the egotistical parts simply to keep the movie tasteful. Or maybe I just can’t really picture Julia Roberts dragging on about how hot she is. She’s too classy for that :)

  7. So after reading about a woman's year long journey over 3 countries, vast religous expirences, great food, and a funny medicine man, we can all agree on one conclusion: if your are naked, do not say how good you look, because it make you sounds egotistical.

    What a wonderful book.

  8. I love Tutti too :) and although I don't think it was that selfless of Liz to help Wayan out, I still think it was wonderful of her to raise all of that money. She must have some amazing friends because I can not see too many of my friends donating a lot of money for some weird Balinese girl that they didn't know.

    Also: I love the Brazilian guy. He was so unexpected, and I really thought that she was going to end up with Ian. He just seems so good for her because he is so mellow. I think he'll help her calm down and stop being so anal about everything.

    I have the movie Eat Pray Love, so we're good on that. When do we want to watch it?
